Sunday, October 12, 2008

Ty is here!!

Well, the waiting is finally over and Ty is here! He's actually almost 4 weeks old...we've been a little busy. And sleep deprived! I forgot how hard the beginning is when you've had little or no sleep at all. He weighed 9 lbs. and 15 oz. No, my other two were not this big! No one knew that he was going to be this big until it was too late. The delivery was very scary this time. Once I had a contraction that would not go away, and Ty's heart rate dropped so low that alarms were going off and I had to be given a shot to stop my contractions for awhile. It took him a little while to recover, and once we lost the heart beat. Then the cord was wrapped around his neck. After he was finally born, he was having trouble breathing. I remember waiting for the cry and having trouble breathing. His whole head and face were very blue because he was not breathing. Fortunately, everything was fine, and he is home and healthy! It's a miracle that we survive our own births...more evidence of God's sovereignty.
I am enjoying my time at home. I only have 3 weeks left before I have to go back to work. The good thing is that I love what I do, and I sure do miss my students. Of course, in a perfect world I could bring Ty with me to school...just strap him on and off I go to work. That's what they did in the old days right? :) The dynamic around the house has changed, and the boys are adjusting. It's been emotional for me trying to be super mom to all three boys. I remember it gets better. This week I am sick along with my 4 year old. Not fun! But we are making it and waiting for this to shall :)

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